If you haven't heard anything about it:
From the 24th of September until the 11th of October 2009, the iconic Liberty Hall building in Dublin’s city centre will be transformed into a giant 50 metre, low resolution, TV screen. Members of the public are invited to create animations with sound and music, via our website, and broadcast them across the city’s skyline.Powering the display are 100,000 low-energy LED lights, installed into 330 windows on the south and west faces of the building. These lights can illuminate each window as a solid colour turning it into a tiny pixel that’s part of a giant display.
Check out playhouse.daft.ie for live feed and further info. Also, join this Facebook group that is trying to make it a permanent installation. It's a great project that has given the city a bit of a positive buzz when we really needed it!
UPDATE: It was broadcast! Here is the clip.Watch live video from Playhouse on Justin.tv
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